HAARP, Chemtrails, GMO en Vac-shots zijn wapens die worden gebruikt in de huidige grote reset voor het creëren van nieuwe genetisch gemodificeerde menselijke hybride soorten.
De Lincoln Kahlooni Druzen Minderheidsbloedlijn: De Jesus Strand
Gorgi Shepentulevski: Weet je nog toen Q talloze Bijbelse verwijzingen maakte en specifiek vermeldde om de bloedlijnen te volgen?
De reden dat dit "Bijbelse tijden" zijn, is omdat we midden in een onregelmatige, spirituele, psychologische, op informatie gebaseerde, bloedlijnoorlog zitten waarin God uiteindelijk wint.
De bloedlijnen die betrokken zijn bij deze oorlog zijn de onderling verweven en getrouwde nep Joodse Khazariaanse Maffia (Illuminati/Jezuïeten) bloedlijnen die de resterende Druzen etnische bloedlijnen (800.000 tot 2.000.000 mensen) van de aarde willen uitroeien, omdat ze hetzelfde wetenschappelijk bewezen DNA delen als Jezus Christus.
Bron tekst:
Een Grote Reset vindt elke 300-350 jaar plaats volgens het onderstaande bericht van Gorgi Shepentulevski
Een Grote Reset vindt plaats wanneer bestaande mensen worden geëlimineerd en vervangen worden door een nieuwe genetisch gemodificeerde soort hybride mensen.
In het Tartaars-Macedonische tijdperk van Alexander's het Grote Wereldrijk, waren alle mensen op alle 5 continenten wit-felgekleurde mensen, en ze waren breatharians (ze aten niet en dronken niet) ze leefden gewoon van de lucht die ze inademden.
Toen, 350 jaar geleden, vond er een grote reset plaats, en al die 5 meter lange ademariers waren weggevaagd door een grote overstroming en DEW (Direct Energy Weapons), en eerst vervangen door een nieuw gecreëerde hybriden van 3 meter hoog, terwijl, aanvankelijk ademende mensen, maar met ingevoegde darm (maagdarmkanaal) in hun maag; een lange buis die begint bij de mond en eindigt bij de achterste passage (anus). Kort daarna waren nieuwe hybriden van 2 meter hoog, aanvankelijk wit, en daarna waren alle overige kleuren van mensen gecreëerd en geïntroduceerd op aarde, maar deze keer hadden mensen voedsel en water nodig om te overleven. Dat is wat we vandaag zijn.
Aangezien 350 jaar van de laatste Grote reset al zijn verstreken, is het nu tijd voor een nieuwe Grote reset hier op aarde, en de nieuwe Grote reset vindt op dit moment plaats, waardoor geleidelijk aan alle mensen in de wereld zal worden vervangen door een nieuw gecreëerde genetisch gemodificeerde soort hybride mensen.
Dr. Adriyana Love legt in deze video perfect uit hoe de grote reset op aarde plaatsvindt. Dit is wat ze zei in haar interview:
Vraag van de verslaggever: hoe herschrijven deze vac's precies DNA?
Het liefdesantwoord van Dr. Adriyana:
De embryo's zijn dubbelvilt organismen, en dat is wat ze transfecteren, ze kunnen groter worden, en ze vermenigvuldigen zich in het lichaam wanneer ze in contact komen met grafeenoxide, ze vermenigvuldigen zich snel. Dus gebruiken ze deze technologie genaamd CRISPR CAS9 en BLAST and blast, en ze gebruiken een proces genaamd Electroporation, met behulp van elektronen op programmeerbare gouden nanobots. En dit is hoe ze zich richten op het celorganel van de kern. Dr. Anthony Fauci financiert de productie van deze nanobots.
Vraag van de verslaggever: hoe herschrijft het het DNA?
Het liefdesantwoord van Dr. Adriyana:
Het werkelijke proces van transfectie is erg moeilijk te begrijpen, maar ze richten zich op de zenuwcellen en embryonale cellen in de mens. Dit is de reden waarom we neurodegeneratieve en auto-immuunreacties zien op de gevaccineerde mensen, die stil zijn. Maar ze richten zich ook op de embryonale cellen in de testis en eierstokken, wat betekent dat ze ook de nakomelingen van de gevaccineerde mensen transfecteren en klonen. Dit betekent dat ze in feite een nieuwe hybride soort produceren met behulp van mensen.
Vraag van de verslaggever: Dus, als Tom is gevaccineerd en hij plant zich voort met Jane, en ze hebben een kind, dat kind is geen mens, is dat waar?
Het liefdesantwoord van Dr. Adryana:
Het zijn genen die het zwijgen opleggen, dus ze leggen genen het zwijgen op door bepaalde genetica uit te schakelen die ze niet willen in de mens, en door nieuwe genetica te programmeren en te coderen die ze daar wel willen. Ze bekabelen ook een nieuw brein en een nieuw zenuwstelsel bij mensen, en ze voegen een nieuwe derde streng toe aan het DNA. Dus nemen ze 2.0 biologische mensen en transfecteren ze in een hybride.
De nakomelingen van de mensen die zijn gevaccineerd zullen geen mensen zijn, ze zullen niet de door God gegeven genetica dragen die mensen hebben, en ze zullen een nieuwe soort zijn. En ze kunnen mixen en matchen, met de Luciferins kunnen ze deze genetisch gemodificeerde mensen 24/7 volgen, wat ze ook doen en waar ze ook gaan.
Ze kunnen deze nieuwe genetisch gemodificeerde nieuwe soorten mensen naar believen extern en op afstand opwaarderen en opreguleren. Dat heet extern neerwaarts reguleren van de genetica. Ze kunnen de genetische code van mensen veranderen via internet. Dit gaat allemaal via de eukaryote genoomannotatiepijplijn. Het is een website; het is een externe database voor het volgen en op afstand besturen van transgene mensen. Deze zijn allemaal in de open lucht.
Onder de koepel: Gorgi Shepentulevski's onderzoek naar het vergeten verleden van de mensheid | Tartaria (video)
Ewarnon / The History of Earth
Apologies if this has been shared before! Its long (5 hours) but well worth watching! Fascinating...
'Once you cannot un-see'
Gorgi Shepentulevski
July 24 at 5:54 AM ·
Part 18
Published: 24/July/2021
Nederlandse vertaling, klik hier:
Torus Dome covers our microscopic tiny portion of Flat Earth!
Anunaki arrived here on this tiny portion of enormous Flat Earth plane 7529 years ago to harvest a Soul for themselves. The entire Flat Earth domain is made of silicon-based life-form of a titanic proportions. Anunaki accommodated themselves in the habitat of silicon-based titans' man and woman, and giant silicon trees stretching up to 120km high. After winning a War against the titans, they created the Greys as their slave rase to cut down giant trees and mind the grounds for silicon purification purposes to build their crystal cities with.
Eventually, after few thousand years, to be précised after 5508 years, the job was done, lands in the diameter of 400.000 km cleared of all giant silicon trees, their silicon cities built, electro-magnetic Torus Firmament activated covering and sealing off an area of 400.000km in diameter so nothing can escape and no one can come in from outside, except Anunaki themselves through plasma Stargate portals.
At this point of time humans, plants, and animals did not exist, and in order to harvest a soul for themselves, Anunaki had to create human carbon life-form. Creation of humans under the Dome - Firmament here on Earth began for the first time exactly 2021 years ago.
What is the Dome made of?
The Dome – Firmament is electro-magnetic Torus shielding. It only takes hours to activate this kind of shielding, which Anunaki already had the technology for it before they came here. An electro-magnetic plasma shield deflects radiation, as well as any kind of enemy attack from outside bounces off it. The Firmament is built with electro-magnetic plasma shield.
The electro-magnetic Torus shielding Dome - Firmament covers an area of 400.000km in diameter on the ground, and another 400.000km below ground. The reason it took the Greys 5508 years to finish the entire project which Anunaki designed is because apart from clearing the terrain on the ground, they did a lot of digging underground as well, where Chief Scientists in charge of the project reside, known as Underworld. Digging under the ground was not done in a conventional way as we know it, but electrically by high powered electro-magnetic machines which instantly turns porous inner Earth crust into dust, just like it happened to the Twin Towers on 9/11 in New York.
The Underworld is the real deal, with highly technologically advanced network system which regulates life on the surface of Earth. That is the reason we hear terms such as: Asgard, Midgard, and Underworld (or Hel). As much as the Torus shielding Firmament extends its cover above ground, that much it extends under the ground, as Earth's crust is excellent conductor.
Asgard is the crystal city where supreme God Anu resides with his entourage and servants; Midgard is where we are; and Underworld is the residence for the chief scientists of Anunaki family members in charge of the Human-kind creation project.
In the centre of the flat earth under the Dome - firmament, there is a large wide opening, approximately 200km in diameter, where the Torus plasma shielding machine is located. The gigantic river Oceanus which fills the Oceans with water, also springs up from the Underworld. The reason compasses' needle point only towards North is because that is where the dipolar magnetised axis of the Torus double sided vortex funnel is, and at that point strongest electro-magnetic energy is emitted, which creates both plasma spheres of Torus's electro-magnetic domes, enclosing and shielding both terrains above the ground and under the surface of Earth.
A magnetic reversal is a flip of the Torus's magnetic field when the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south are interchanged (not to be confused with geographic north and geographic south).
When magnetic North moves back and forth from its geographic North, is because Torus's spiralling axis funnel is not stable, but constantly moves forth and back from the centre of geographic North.
The phenomenon of 'Pole shift' happens when axis spiralling funnel of Torus's electro-magnetic field shifts from one direction to another, from upward direction to downward direction. This happens approximately every 10 - 12 years. North pole is above the surface of flat Earth, and South pole is under the ground in the underworld. When poles shift, North goes under the ground, and South pole above the ground.
So, both, geographic and magnetic North and South Poles are in the centre of flat Earth, where Oceanus River spring up from the opening to the Underworld. The so called South pole being in Antarctica is fabrication because neither South pole is there, not there is any Antarctic continent.
Around the centre of North's pole opening, there are 4 large continents, divided by 4 gigantic streams of river Oceanus, where water flows outwards towards the oceans, and backwards to the underworld for recycling, and when the salty water gets recycled and desalinated in the Underworld, it is sent back towards the oceans as sweet, drinkable water, which supplies the people living in those 4 Continents with fresh, drinkable water for consumption and irrigation.
These sweat rivers provided Norwegian sailor Olaf Jansen and his father with drinking water on their journey into the Inner Earth, as described in the book called: "The Smoky God, or A Voyage Journey to the Inner Earth", written by Willis George Emerson in 1908, which describes the adventures of Olaf Jansen, a Norwegian sailor who sailed with his father through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole.
Our 5 continents are encircled by an ice wall between 80m and 4km tall.
On the other side of the ice wall encircling our known world, there are at least 33 more continents, and when compared with this small portion of only 40.000 km in diameter our world occupies, imagine how much more land there is out of the total 400.000 km in diameter which the Dome covers. Our world of 5 continents has been deliberately placed closer to the underworld for many reasons, such as Anunaki science staff do not have to travel far to keep an eye on us, shorter distance for Oceanus River to be circulated at, artificial Earth's irrigation system by biggest rivers which spring from underground, etc.
Another 33 continents on the other side of the ice wall
So, all of the land which spans 400.000 km in diameter is covered by the Dome (Firmament), including our 5 continents which are in the centre of this land under the Dome. Our 5 continents are encircled by an ice wall between 80m and 4km tall, which blocks access to the other 33 continents over to the other side of the ice wall. South Pole as we know it does not exist! What we know of 'South Pole' is actually the ice wall ring, blocking access to the other side to those 33 continents under the Dome!
Beyond the Dome, over the other side of the 400.000km in diameter, Flat Earth extends endlessly into the silicon base flora and fauna lands, where the Titans over 20km tall live. Also, beyond the Dome there are another 10.000.000 highly intelligent civilizations like Anunaki, who communicate with each other vie ultra-fast Morphic filed internet domain.
Rhen Carberry
"The Magic Mountain"
Mount Shasta is a most majestic mountain that anchors the northern end of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range.
It is located in Siskiyou County in Northern California, approximately 40 miles from the Oregon border. Mount Shasta is the cone of an extinct volcano rising to a height of 14,162 feet above sea level and is the largest volcanic peak in the continental United States.
The ascended masters have revealed that Mount Shasta can also be considered an embodiment of the Great Central Sun.
Mount Shasta, more than just a mountain, is one of the most sacred places on the planet. It is a mystical power source for this Earth and a focus for a City of Light, for angels, spirit-guides, spaceships and ascended masters from the Light Realm and many dimensions.
Mount Shasta is also the home of the survivors of Ancient Lemuria. For those gifted with clairvoyant abilities, Mount Shasta is embraced in a gigantic, etheric purple pyramid whose capstone extends far beyond this planet into space, and connects us intergalactically to the Confederation of Planets for this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.
This awesome pyramid also includes an inverted version of itself that extends down to the very core of the Earth.
Mount Shasta represents the entry point of the Light-Grids for this planet. It is the location where most of the energy arrives initially from the galactic and universal core before it is disseminated to other mountains and into the rest of the grids.
Most mountaintops, especially tall mountains, are Beacons of Light feeding the light-grids of this planet. Strange lights and sounds are often seen or heard on the mountain.
Lenticular clouds, shadows, and outstanding sunsets add to its mystical aura and there are many openings and portals into the fifth-dimensional cities that still exist from the time of Lemuria.
Mount Shasta is the home of many present-day Lemurians who are survivors of the sinking of the continent of Lemuria over 12,000 years ago.
Yes, our Lemurian brothers and sisters are real.
They are well and physically alive and living a fifth-dimensional existence that is yet invisible to our eyes.
The "surface" vibration is currently transitioning from the third dimension into a fourth/fifth-dimensional reality.
The other dimensions exist around us but most people living on the surface do not yet possess a consciousness evolved enough to perceive them.
Prior to the sinking of their continent, the ancient Lemurians were fully aware of the eventual destiny of their beloved land and used their mastery of energy, crystals, sound, and vibrations to hollow out a vast underground city with the intention of preserving their culture, their treasures and their records of ancient Earth history.
This section of history has been lost to humanity since the sinking of Atlantis. Lemuria was once a vast continent, larger than North America, connected to parts of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington states.
This large continent disappeared overnight into the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago during a vast cataclysm.
All inhabitants of the Earth at that time considered Lemuria their motherland and there was much grieving on the Earth when it was lost.
Approximately 25,000 Lemurians were able to migrate into the interior of Mount Shasta along with the most important of their various administration centers prior to the sinking of the Motherland.
Beloveds, you who are reading this now know in your hearts that your former brothers and sisters of Lemuria never left you. They are still here in physical, immortalized bodies, living life in an unlimited fifth-dimensional reality.
Native Americans believe that Mount Shasta is a place of such immense grandeur that its existence can only be attributed to the creation of a very "Great Spirit."
They also believe that an invisible race of little people, about four feet tall, live along its slopes as Guardians. These wondrous people, often referred to as "The Little People of Mount Shasta," are also physical but of vibration usually invisible to us.
Some of them are occasionally seen in this dimension around the mountain. The reason they do not show themselves physically to many people is that they have a collective fear of humans.
At one time, when they were as visible as we are, humans maligned them. They became so fearful of humans that they asked the spiritual hierarchy of this planet for a dispensation to elevate their frequency.
Now they remain invisible and are able to continue their evolution unharmed and in peace. There are reports of the Bigfoot race being seen on some remote areas of Mount Shasta, along with many other mysterious beings.
The Bigfoot people are now very few in number throughout the world and around Mount Shasta. They are of average intelligence and possess a peaceful heart.
They have obtained a dispensation that allows for invisibility at will. In this way, they are able to avoid confrontation with us and, like the little people, avoid physical harm, mutilation, and enslavement in the name of science.
We have not yet, as a species, truly understood that we are invited guests on this planet. We are the guests of our gracious Mother Earth, who has volunteered to provide a platform for the evolution of the many kingdoms that reside here.
Humans are only one of those kingdoms.
It was firmly intended, and agreed to in the beginning, that all kingdoms would be honored and allowed to share this planet "equally." It was this way for a very long time.
Unfortunately, for hundreds of thousands of years, humans have taken over, arrogantly thinking that we are the superior race with the right to control and manipulate other kingdoms.
Many species in the animal kingdom have also become invisible. They are still here but in a slightly higher frequency and thus invisible to us.
Where do you think all the supposedly "extinct" species have gone? Many of them are extinct because they have made a collective choice not to interact with us anymore.
Those animal species which are still physically here are not always loved and honored by us. Go into your heart and explore how most animals are treated, used, and abused by this supposedly "superior race."
Today, several spiritual groups live in the Mount Shasta area. Truth seekers who have felt and heard in their hearts the "Call of the Mountain" have moved to this area and feel they have finally "come home."
The memory of their far-distant Lemurian ancestry is calling them back to a former point of origin. On a clear day, Mount Shasta stands as a white jewel and can be seen from at least 100 miles away.
People who live nearby have remarkable stories about the 14,162-foot volcano. The most remarkable stories are the legends of mysterious people who live inside the mountain, albeit in a fifth-dimensional frequency.
They are said to be descendants of an ancient society from the lost continent of Lemuria, living deep inside the mountain in roundhouses, enjoying unlimited health, wealth, and true brotherhood.
They have preserved their ancient culture. The Lemurians living within the mountain are commonly described as graceful beings, seven feet tall or more, with long, flowing hair.
They dress at times in white robes and sandals, or in very colorful clothing. They are said to have long, slender necks and bodies which they adorn with beautiful decorative collars made of beads or precious stones.
They have evolved their sixth sense, which enables them to communicate among themselves through extra-sensory perception.
They can also teleport and make themselves invisible at will. Their mother tongue is the Lemurian language, called Solara Maru, but they also speak impeccable English with a slight British accent.
They have chosen to learn English as a second language because they live in America. Around 1940, Dr. M. Doreal claimed that he visited the Lemurians inside their mountain.
He said that the space he was shown was about 2 miles high, 20 miles long, and 15 miles wide. He wrote that the light inside the mountain was as bright as a summer day and was created by a giant glowing mass of light suspended in the center of that great cavern.
Another man reported that he fell asleep on Mount Shasta only to be awakened by a Lemurian who led him inside the mountain to his cave, which was paved with gold.
The Lemurian told the man that there were a series of tunnels left by volcanoes that ran under the earth like freeways . . . a world within a world.
The Lemurians had reportedly mastered atomic energy, telepathic and clairvoyant skills, electronics, and science as much as 18,000 years ago.
Most of their technology is controlled through thought. In ancient times, they propelled their boats using energy radiated by crystals.
They used airships for travel to Atlantis and other places.
Today they have a fleet of spaceships, called the "Silver Fleet," in which they travel to and from the mountain and out into space.
They have the ability to render their spaceships invisible and silent to avoid being detected by the local and national military.
Although they are physical in nature, they are able to shift their energy fields from third to fourth and fifth-dimensional vibration and become visible or invisible at will.
Many people report seeing strange lights on the mountain. One explanation is that there are spacecraft constantly entering and exiting a spaceport deep within the mountain.
Mount Shasta is not only a home for the Lemurians but is also an inter-planetary and inter-galactic multi-dimensional portal.
There is a huge etheric City of Light above Mount Shasta called the "Crystal City of the Seven Rays." At some point in our near future, hopefully within the next 12 to 20 years, this wondrous city of Light is destined to be lowered into our physical realm, and become the first City of Light to manifest tangibly on the surface of this planet.
In order for this to happen, the people who live here will have to match its vibration in their own consciousness.
You can easily visit the Mount Shasta area without reading or hearing about Lemurians, but if you have some former connections with them, you may be blessed with some revelations.
Mount Shasta draws visitors from all over the world, some seeking spiritual insight, others seeking to bask in the beauty and natural wonders that Mother Nature has to offer in this unique alpine region.
Everyone loves a mystery, especially a mystery about Mount Shasta. There have been many fascinating myths and legends written about this Northern California giant.
The solitary mountain always slumbers on . . . her secrets intact. But every so often, another mysterious story surfaces. New casts of characters emerge and attention is centered once more on the mystic mountain.
That's the way it has been for years, and probably always will be.
Mount Shasta has a tendency to reveal herself only to those who honor life, themselves for who they truly are, the Earth, and all other kingdoms sharing this planet.
Lemuria still exists to this day In a fifth-dimensional frequency, Not yet visible to your third dimensional Vision and perception. ~ Adama
Gorgi ShepentulevskiTARTARIA
July 8 ·
Part 15
Quick re-cap of events and timeline prior to Human-kind Creation
Published: 8/July/2021
To make things crystal clear, a quick re-cap of facts and events prior to the beginning of carbon life-form human-kind creation, and the creation of first ever human-kind race here on Earth.
What is Earth and how old is it?
Earth is tiny, microscopic plane, part of enormous silicon based Flat Plain living organism, inhabited by indigenous silicon based humans, animals, and plant-life in titanic proportions. The age of this living organism, which Earth is very tiny and microscopic part of it, is approximately 14 billion years old.
How many Intelligent Civilizations known as 'Gods' Live here?
Apart from indigenous silicon based inhabitants, this gigantic silicon based living organism is home to another 10.000.000 intelligent alien intruders of diverse elemental make-up who have intruded this space of living organism, which endlessly over the boundaries of Flat Earth under the Firmament. These intelligent aliens are known as Gods.
Anunaki came here to Harvest a Soul for themselves
Anunaki are one of these 10.000.000 intelligent alien intruders inhabiting this silicon based living organism. When Anunaki arrived here on this tiny portion of flat Earth exactly 7528 years ago, they were all in all 300 family related members. Their mission was to harvest a "SOUL" for themselves because they were Soulless. In order to harvest a soul, they needed to build a soul harvesting facility enclosure, which required clearing the land from the titanic flora and fauna, where the titanic humanoid creatures lived.
Form of Communication between those 10.000.000 intelligent alien intruders
Just like humans on Earth use Cyberspace to store, modify and exchange data through internet World computer network, which is a copy of vastly degraded astral realm of morphic field, intelligent civilizations of Gods use Morphic field as their Cyberspace to store, modify and exchange data through universal network of communication, where all knowledge of intellectual properties is stored for save-keeping and Copyright protection. There is only one common language in the Universe understood and spoken by everyone, and the script of this universal language is written in Runes, and both are known as the language and script of Gods.
Who are Anunaki?
The most accurate account of who Anunaki are, is written in the Middle text of Rosetta Stone!
Ever since the middle text written in Runes of the Stone of Rosetta was deciphered by two Macedonian scholars, alongside many other runic texts from Canopus, we now know exactly who Anunaki are. This also constituted Macedonian Pantheon of Gods.
First text of Rosetta stone is written in hieroglyphs, invented for the special needs of newly cloned people.
Second text is Old Macedonian written in Runes and it is a decree of Macedonian-Tartarian rulers of the Empire.
Third text is New Macedonian Koine invented for elderly clones using 100% old Macedonian lexicon. Later on, New Macedonian Koine was adopted by the Greeks and morphed into phonetic script in today's World.
All of the 3 scripts used Macedonian language, which was the only language of the Empire.
The middle Old Macedonian text is the most important of all, because there is an accurate description of who Anunaki are and their names written in Runes with 'Lines & Stroke', but for understanding purposes I will be using here its phonetic transcription counterpart.
God Anu - BoGo
God Anu is written in Rosetta stone as 'BoGo', which means the Supreme Heavenly God, the only One, the Mightiest above anyone else, as he was referred to by Macedonians of Alexander's the Great Tartarian era.
'BoGo' meant 'Creator of human Souls'. In Christianity 'BoGo' is the Father, the Father who creates. BoGo translated in English it means: "SUPREME LEADING CREATOR OF SOULS, SUPREME HEAVENLY LORD".
First BoGo (Anu) created BoVoo (meaning Water), as the most crucial element for Carbone life-form creation. Afterwards BoGo created the element of Carbon.
Then, the supreme heavenly God Anu – 'BoGo' created the Goddess 'BoMoo', which is 'The Big Earthly Mother'. 'BoMoo' is actually the genetic material in a physical form as a precursor for the upcoming humankind creation. Later on, BoMoo will bear the Holy Trinity: Human Soul, Holy Spirit, and the physical body of the Macedon creation. BoGo (Anu) the creator was able to glue the Holy Trinity together in One physical bodily form called humankind creation.
The Greys
Anunaki set on with their master plan of constructing Soul harvesting facility enclosure known as "The Firmament" and created for themselves a carbon-based slave race to do the hard and dangerous job for them. This race is known today as "The Greys".
Exactly 7529 years ago clearing the lands began
According to the Tartarian and Macedonian Old calendar, exactly 7529 years ago, construction had begun. Eventually, after few thousand years, to be précised after 5508 years, the job was done, lands in the diameter of 400.000 km cleared of all giant silicon trees, their silicon cities built, electro-magnetic Torus Firmament activated covering and sealing off an area of 400.000km in diameter so nothing can escape and no one can come in from outside, except Anunaki themselves through plasma Stargate portals.
Humans came later, we were created when construction of the Firmament was finished exactly 2021 years ago.
Pyramids were Nuclear Power Plants
Nuclear power plants were built to provide energy for this project, and the Greys were the labourers. These nuclear power plants are known today as Pyramids.
The pyramids were built as nuclear power plant for manufacturing chemicals needed for silicon purification. The chemical plants were right underneath the pyramids in a long-enclosed corridors, from where final products of manufactured chemicals were loaded onto flying craft and delivered at silicon purification plants.
When everything was ready to start with the job, giant silicon trees as tall as 120km were being gradually cut down and processed to extract pure silicon, and surface of Earth was mined and dug out 15km deep. The deepest point is 10.994m known as Mariana Trench, located at the 'Ring of Fire' - the biggest silicon mining quarry under Pacific Ocean. This was the area where most of the mining took place, 75% of volcanos on Earth are in the 'Ring of Fire' in the Pacific Ocean, and 70-80% of the mining took place in the Ocean's floor.
These are some of the chemicals which were needed for silicon purification:
Carbon, Hydrochloric acid, Hydrogen fluoride, Sulphuric acid, and Water amongst others.
In the silicon-based habitat outside the Firmament, there is no water, but only suspended oxygen particles in the atmosphere, because when silicon is placed into water, it gradually dissolves and decomposes. So, in the silicon-based habitat outside the Firmament, there is no water, but only suspended oxygen particles in the atmosphere.
When pure silicon was extracted from silicon dioxide, apart from all of these chemicals, they needed plenty of water. Sodium chloride and many other chemicals present in the oceans today are by-products from the silicon purification process.
When they finished with the construction due to the exposure the Greys were so excessively intoxicated and irradiated, they were no longer able to reproduce and doomed for extinction.
What exactly are Volcanoes?
During the process of earth mining and silicon purification, a lot of toxic by-products were left behind, majority of them were buried in a mountain-high piles we now know as volcanos, but many other smaller quantities of toxic waste was laying around on the surface of the grounds, and for the purpose of cleaning it out, Anunaki flooded the grounds by the greatest tsunami ever, washing up with water even the tallest mountain pick from the leftovers of toxic waste. Today, when chemical reaction reaches critical point, volcanos erupt.
What are Asgard, Midgard, and Underground?
The electro-magnetic Torus shielding Firmament covers an area of 400.000km in diameter on the ground, and another 400.000km below ground. The reason it took the Greys 5508 years to finish the entire project which Anunaki designed is because apart from clearing the terrain on the ground, they did a lot of digging underground as well, where Chief Scientists in charge of the project reside, known as Underworld. The Underworld is the real deal, with highly technologically advanced network system which regulates life on the surface of Earth, including the artificial plumbing system network where all of the big rivers of the World spring up from, being the biggest artificial irrigation system in the World.
That is the reason we hear terms such as: Asgard, Midgard, and Underworld (or Hel). As much as the Torus shielding Firmament extends its cover above ground, that much it extends under the ground, as Earth's crust is excellent conductor.
Asgard is the crystal city where supreme God Anu resides with his entourage and servants; Midgard is where we are; and Underworld is the residence for the chief scientists of Anunaki family members in charge of the Human-kind creation project.
Torus Shielding Firmament
In the centre of the flat earth under the firmament, there is a large wide opening, approximately 200km in diameter, where in its depths deep under the ground Torus plasma shielding machine is located. Northern polar lights of Aurora Borealis are caused by the interaction of charged scaler-wave particles emitted by Torus shielding electro-magnetic machine with atoms in the upper atmosphere. The gigantic river Oceanus which fills the Oceans with water, also springs up from the Underworld. The reason compasses' needle point only towards North is because that is where the dipolar magnetised axis of the Torus double sided vortex funnel is, and at that point strongest electro-magnetic energy is emitted, which creates both plasma spheres of Torus's electro-magnetic domes, enclosing and shielding both terrains above and under the surface of Earth.
What causes Pole Shift?
The phenomenon of 'Pole shift' happens when axis spiralling funnel of Torus's electro-magnetic field shifts from one direction to another, from upward direction to downward direction. This happens approximately every 10-12 years. North pole is above the surface of flat Earth, and South pole is under the ground in the underworld. When poles shift, North goes under the ground, and South pole above the ground.
So, both, geographic and magnetic North and South Poles are in the centre of flat Earth, where Oceanus River spring up from the opening to the Underworld. The so called South pole being in Antarctica is fabrication because neither South pole is there, not there is any Antarctic continent.
Around the centre of North's pole opening, there are 4 large continents, divided by 4 streams of river Oceanus, two of them flowing outwards towards the oceans, and the other two flowing back to the underworld for recycling.
33 more Continents under the Firmament apart from 5 we know of
On the other side of the ice wall encircling our known world, there are at least 33 more continents, and when compared with this small portion of only 40.000 km in diameter our world occupies, imagine how much more land there is out of the total 400.000 km in diameter which the firmament covers. Our world of 5 continents has been deliberately placed closer to the underworld for many reasons, such as Anunaki science staff do not have to travel far to keep an eye on us, shorter distance for Oceanus River to be circulated at, artificial Earth's irrigation system by biggest rivers which spring from underground, etc.
There was NO Water and Carbon on Earth prior to the arrival of Anunaki
When Anunaki arrived here, there was no water, nor any carbon in the atmosphere or on the ground, because these two elements dissolve and degenerate silicon life-form. For silicon mining and purification purposes, as well as for their upcoming human creation, their scientists created these two elements artificially.
Anunaki, having created the basic elements for carbon-based life-form, having scientific knowledge and know-how of creation, they drafted the formula of quality and content, with all characteristics of how humans should look, thinks, and behave, using the building blocks of their intellectual property for human's genetic make-up. Intellect, vision capacity, hearing aptitude, language cognition, conscious awareness aptitude, soul attachment, and everything else which makes humans different from animals, was packaged exclusively together into its lifeform. The number one aspect which makes humans different from animals is that humans have soul (except clones), and animals do not have a soul.
All of that was packaged in a program, referenced in a coded formula of descriptive name written in Runes for the upcoming human creation and uploaded in the astral realm of the Morphic field, from where entire carbon life-form on Earth springs up from and grows, depending what kind of instructions it receives.
All History is Fake!
German-Nordic Institute falsified entire history adding 1712 non-existing years from the time when Alexander the great was born.
All of the history books which exist in the education system are written in the 19th century AD in the German-Nordic Institute, so there is not a single original document, manuscript, or book in existence today, and all of the history books were written only 200 years ago by the German-Nordic Institute. They added 1712 non existing years to the timeline starting from the date of the birth of Alexander the Great, which was on the 21 July 1356 AD, but only 665 years ago from today's 2021.
The German-Nordic Institute was financed and founded by today's ruling parasites 300 years ago, with the only purpose, to falsify the entire history, and every other subject we learn at schools. In 2012 it was closed down after it had done its job.
This is how Timeline chronology of history was fabricated by adding 1712 non-existing years to it:
1. The true timeline chronology of history began when Alexander was born on 21 July 1356 AD.
2. First, 297 non-existing years were added to this true timeline chronology of history, pushing it back to 1059 AD.
3. Secondly, another 263 non-existing years were added to the true timeline chronology of history, pushing it back to 796 AD.
4. Thirdly, 1152 non-existing years were added to true timeline chronology of history, pushing it back to 356 BC, which is the fabricated year of Alexander's birth in the official history books.
Imagine how much creative fiction writing and lies had to be fantasised and invented to fill up those 1712 non-existing years with history!!! So many lies, falsehoods, fabrications, deceptions, fictional myths, imaginary legends etc, etc, had to be invented by the scam-writers at the German-Nordic institute, which no wonder it took a period of 300 years to be completed.
They have messed up the history and its chronology so much that even today religious officials are neck-in-neck with disagreements, because there is NOT a single historical original document which is older than 200 years for anyone to read and consult.
Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt Never Existed
Everything we know about ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, ancient Egypt is written as a fabrication story by paid fiction writers only 200 years ago in the Jewish financed German-Nordic Institute in Germany.
What they did it was they took names and events from the real Tartarian-Macedonian history and invented a lot of fictional stories which never existed, to create fake narrative of events and names, and published it in millions of fake history books, which New World Order education system is using to teach the masses.
Here is a concise timeline of some major events which had happened in the past 700 years:
1. Approximately 750 years ago Atlantis had been destroyed by a great Tsunami of 600m high.
2. 700 years ago, New Timeline had begun, the timeline of Tartaria - Macedonia.
3. Philip-ll Macedon, who founded Tartarian-Macedonian World Empire was born 1318 AD in the White city of Heraklion Lyncestis in Macedonia.
4. In 1365ad Alexander the Great was born in Heraklion Lyncestis.
5. In 1600ad Alexander finished with the construction of the great Wall of China.
6. In 1706 AD the first blow happened to Tartarian World empire when Gibraltar strait natural barrier was broken, and Atlantic Ocean flooded the Mediterranean, Adriatic, Ionian, Aegean, and Black Sea depressions, which were heavily populated prior to the flooding. This area prior to the flooding had only few sweet water lakes, and it was the stronghold of the Tartarian-Macedonian Empire. Remnants of it are Cleopatra's Palace and Heraklion at Canopus under the Mediterranean Sea. The Sunken City of Baia, Italy, and many more throughout these regions. Billions of people lived there prior to the flooding.
7. In 1712 AD Jesus Christ was born in Heraklion Lyncestis in Macedonia, today known as Bitola, and was baptised in Lake Ohrid.
8. As Tartarian World Empire suffered a great disaster when Gibraltar barrier was broken, as a result of this great catastrophe, Tartarian-Macedonian World empire was broken up in 3 kingdoms.
Not long after this event, the 3 Tartarian-Macedonian kingdoms went to war against each other. This war in the history books is known as 'The war of Troy'. The War of Troy was waged to overtake the White city of ILION, founded by God IL (SE, ENLIL) at the beginning of times when human creation began 2021 years ago, which was the stronghold city where Philip-ll, Alexander, and Jesus were born. The city of ILION was damaged by the great flood of Atlantis, and after the great flood Philip-ll re-built it as his own capital. The War of Troy had nothing to do with Greeks, were mostly illiterate infants 1.6m tall. The War of Troy was waged amongst Macedonian giants 5m tall, who possessed laser guided plasma weapons and flying combat aircraft.
When the war of Troy finished, Macedonian empire was formed on the European Continent, which was soon turned into a Christian Empire. This Macedonian Christian Empire was re-named as Byzantine Empire by German-Nordic Institution.
9. On the 14/October/1802 at 2pm the great flood happened caused by 600m tsunami, which caused a great devastation to the Macedonian Christian kingdom.
10. In 1852 Constantinople fell, and Ottoman Empire was Created. This is the time when Cloned parasite stepped into action, who financed and founded the Ottoman empire in the late 19th century, with the only purpose; to take down the Christian Macedonian Kingdom. All of Ottoman Pashas were Germans and Englishman disguised as Turks. From then on, over the period of 70 years, the Ottomans had dismantled the Macedonian Christian kingdom, but had never established full control of it.
11. Between 1914 – 18 First World War.
12. In 1922 Ottoman Empire was dissolved.
13. Between 1939 – 45 Second World War.
Exactly 2021 years ago, human-kind creation has begun.
Exactly 2021 years ago, humankind creation has begun. When we see the terms BC and AD, they are used to label and count the year Before Creation and After Creation. So, human-kind and the entire carbon life-form is not millions or hundreds of thousands of years old, but only 2021 years. The term 'AD' derives from the Latin word 'Anno Domini', and officials are alleging that 'Anno Domini' means "In the Year of the Lord," and assumedly refers to the birth of Jesus Christ. That is not true at all, because the real Lord is the supreme God of Anunaki know as ANU. So, the assumption that AD means 'In the Year of the Lord' is totally wrong.
Another aspect of this is that Jesus was not born 2021 years ago, but only 309 years ago from todays 2021. When history was falsified after the fall of Tartaria, 1712 non-existing years were added to the history.
The third aspect is that 'Anno Domini' literary means 'Anu's Dome'. The Latin word 'Anno' derived from 'Annus', which in term derived from 'Anu', Anunaki's supreme God. And the word 'Domini' derived from 'Dome' which is another word for 'Firmament'. So, AD, or Anno Domini means 'From the Year when Anu's Dome (Firmament) was activated, and Creation began'.
So, BC means Before Creation, and AD means the year when Anu's Dome was activated, kipping in mind that the Dome – Firmament is electro-magnetic Torus shielding. It only takes hours to activate this kind of shielding, which Anunaki already had the technology for it before they came here. An electro-magnetic plasma shield deflects radiation, as well as any kind of enemy attack from outside bounces off it. The Firmament is built with electro-magnetic plasma shield.